About Me
Dr Benjamin Newton is the lead coach for Coaching Academics. His undergraduate degree was in Human Psychology at Aston University. After a number of years working in the NHS as a mental health researcher, he started his PhD to Health at Birmingham City University. His PhD developed a grounded theory to explain the phenomenon of disbelief in chronic pain. He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to his work in the NHS, Ben has worked in the charity sector and given his passion and drive for service improvement, has helped to bring organisational change along the way.
Key Publications
Newton, B.J. (2015). The development of a grounded theory of (dis)belief in chronic pain. PhD Thesis. Birmingham: Birmingham City University. [Link]
Newton, B.J. Southall, J. Raphael, J.H. Ashford, R.L. LeMarchand, K. (2013). A narrative review of the impact of disbelief in chronic pain. Pain Management Nursing, 14(3): 161-171. [Link]
Birchwood, M., Patterson, P., Newbold, T., Connor, C., Butterworth, S., Palmer, C., Channa, S., Chisholm, K., Newton, B. et al., Youthboard Members. (2012). Youthspace: Public Mental Health for Young People in Birmingham. MRC Population health methods and challenges conference.
Newton, B. J., Rothlingova, Z., Gutteridge, R., LeMarchand, K., & Raphael, J. H. (2012). No Room for Reflexivity? Critical Reflections Following a Systematic Review of Qualitative Research. J Health Psychol, 17(6): 866-885. [Link]
Newton, B.J. (2011). Book Reviews: Gillian Bendelow. Health, Emotion and the Body. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2009, £50.00 hbk, £15.99 pbk, (ISBN: 978-0-7456-3644-3), viii + 224pp. Sociology; 45: 528. [Link]
Newton, B. Denham-Vaughan, S. & Lees, A. (2007) Service evaluation of a pilot project examining the impact of dialectical behavioural therapy on outpatients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Clinical Psychology Forum, 169, 5- 9. [Link]

Chartered Psychologist
Ben has been awarded Chartered Psychologist status. He is a member of the British Psychological Society and participates in supervisory activities with other coaching psychologists.

ICF Registered
As a member of the International Coaching Federation, Ben has completed approved Coaching training and works to an ethical framework and competencies.

Fully Compliant
Registered with the ICO so you can be confident we handle your data securely. For your protection we also carry full professional liability insurance.